Rt-7200 Hematology Analyzer


-3-part haematology analyzer
-Single counting channel, 23 parameters (including 3 histograms).
-Large LCD display.
-3 counting modes: whole blood, pre-diluted blood and peripheral blood.

-Throughput-30 samples per hour
-Large memory, multi-format output of test results.
-Including back flush, soaking and high-volt burning to remove the blockage
in the reading chamber.
-3-doors open design for easy maintenance.
-External power supply adaptor to decrease electrical noises.
-User-friendly software.
-Multi-language supported.



  • White Blood Cell or leukocyte WBC
  • Lymphocyte LYM#
  • Mid-sized cell MON#
  • Granulocyte GRA#
  • Lymphocyte percentage LYM%
  • Mid-sized cell percentage MON%
  • Granulocyte percentage GRA%
  • Red Blood Cell or erythrocyte RBC
  • Hemoglobin Concentration HGB
  • Mean Corpuscular (erythrocyte) Volume MCV
  • Mean Cell (erythrocyte) Hemoglobin MCH
  • Mean Cell (erythrocyte) Hemoglobin Concentration MCHC
  • Red Blood Cell (erythrocyte) Distribution Width Coefficient of Variatio RDW-CV
  • Red Blood Cell (erythrocyte) Distribution Width Standard Deviation RDW-SD
  • Hematocrit HCT
  • Platelet PLT
  • Mean Platelet Volume MPV
  • Platelet Distribution Width PDW
  • Plateletcrit PCT
  • Platelet Larger cell ratio P-LCR
  • WBC Histogram
  • RBC Histogram
  • PLT Histogram